Importance of  astrology  in  agriculture.

Astrology  is  the  science  of  studying  the influence  of  planets   on    the  objects . In   astrology  sun is  represent  as  a  creator of  all planets .There are many people who scoff at the idea of using the signs of the Zodiac and the moon to garden. But, there are also many who use this method even though they don’t talk about it, as though it was something to be ashamed of. It just isn’t modern and scientific enough for this technological age of chemical food and insecticides. Yet, if one will take the time to read or listen, one will discover that the times to plant, spray, etc., touted by the “experts,” matches almost to the day the old timers’ method of planting by the signs.
The use of the signs goes back beyond recorded history. Its really quite incredible that the use of the signs has survived. Basically there are two ways of looking at the moon – the sun phases and the zodiac phases. Let’s look at them individually.

The Sun Phases
The sun phases describe the way the sun shines on the moon as seen from planet earth. These phases are also called quarters, and there are four quarters as the moon goes around the earth. The first quarter begins with the new moon which occurs when the moon is between the earth and the sun and is totally dark as viewed from the earth.
As the moon (month) proceeds, it becomes visible in the shape of a crescent until it is half visible; this is the end of the first quarter and the start of the second. The second quarter proceeds until the moon is a totally visible circular pie, and we have a full moon which is the end of the second quarter and the start of the third.
Continuing, the moon now begins to darken on one side until it is again a half moon; we have the end of the third quarter and the start of the fourth. The fourth quarter occurs from this point and is again a crescent until the new moon.
The Zodiac Phases
Now for the zodiac phases. The moon, as it travels around the earth, passes through 12 sectors named after the familiar signs of the zodiac. Each sector is associated with a group of stars discovered by the ancients and called constellations. These constellations are in turn associated with parts of the body and other qualities. The part of the body governed by an individual constellation is supposed to be more sensitive when the moon is in that constellation. The moon goes through each constellation at least once each month and is in a constellation for either two or three days at a time.
The Signs Of The Zodiac
The signs of the zodiac are listed starting below and continued on the following page along with the qualities of the signs. In general, plant during the moist and fruitful signs and do things that require dryness (burning and destroying weeds) during the dry signs. The most fruitful signs are Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces. The barren signs are Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius. One more point: never plant or graft on the sun’s day (Sunday) for it is a barren hot day.

ARIES (head & face): (Fire)  Dry and barren. Never plant. Best sign for plowing, tilling and cultivating.

TAURUS (neck): ( Earth) . Excellent for root crops and okay for crops above the ground and flowers.

GEMINI (arms):( Wind). Destroy weeds, kill trees and prepare soil.

CANCER (breast): Watery and very fruitful. Plant here to withstand a drought. Excellent for above and below-ground crops. Time to graft.

LEO (head): Fire, dry and barren. Never plant; destroy weeds, kill trees and prepare soil.

VIRGO (bowels): Earthy, dry and barren. Destroy weeds, kill trees and prepare soil.

LIBRA (wind), moist and semi fruitful. Excellent for flowers (beauty) and okay for above-ground crops.

SCORPIO (Water): fruitful. Excellent for above ground crops and flowers. Okay for below-ground crops. Time to graft.

SAGITTARIUS (thighs): Fire, dry, and barren. Destroy weeds and kill trees.

CAPRICORN (knees): Earthy, moist and productive. Good for root crops and okay for above ground crops. Root cuttings and make grafts.
AQUARIUS (legs): wind, dry and barren. Destroy weeds and kill trees.

PISCES (feet): Watery and fruitful. Plant here to withstand a drought. Excellent for below ground crops and okay for above ground crops. Root cuttings and make grafts.

By  knowing  right  time  to sow  and  right  time  to  reap  through  astrology  we   can  increase  the  production  from  limited area of  land and  so it  can  solve  the  poverty  of  peoples.  In  developed  country  like  England ,finland  they  practice  the   agriculture  through  the  position of  moon.  Our  vedic astrology  is  based  on  moon  we  construct  the  chart  of   person  called  kundali  from  the  position  of moon  and   we  are  the  young  astrologist   should  research  on astrology  on  agriculture ,share market, people mind  etc. 

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