Swar Vigyan one cannot predict in astrology

Without knowing swar vigyan one cannot predict in astrology. If people can spend so much time reading newspapers and magazines which contribute little towards the evolution of their consciousness, then surely they can afford to spend a little time reading their own breath. The information gained in this way will be even more useful in the course of their daily affairs. According to the Shiva Swarodaya, within each breath there are hidden signs which can guide us in our daily life, and even enable us to become aware of the past and future.

Reading the breath first requires the ability to recognize the active nostril and nadi. In order to do this, exhale into the palm of the hand, and you will feel a stronger air current from the open nostril. Another way to identify the active side is to close one nostril and breathe out through the other, listening to the difference in the pitch of the sounds. The deeper pitch indicates the open nostril, and the higher pitch indicates the non-active, blocked side.

Secondly, one will have to keep in mind the specific times when ida/pingala are meant to be active; thirdly, how to regulate the flow of the nostrils and the nadis if they happen to be active at unspecified times; and fourthly, which particular types of work and swara yoga practices are consonant with the activities of each nadi.

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